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News: Economist

12 篇文章

二:The impossible job
文章来源:《经济学人》 Nov 13th 2021 期 The demands on chief executives require them to be weirdexecutives:经理,执行者 weird:奇怪的 对首席执行官的要求让他们变得怪异 CELEBRITY BOSSES used to have nick-names that …
一:Biden and the border of walls and wobbles
文章来源:《经济学人》 Nov 13th 2021 期 why the tumult on America's southern border is becoming harder to handletumult:骚乱 handle:控制,抓住 为什么美国南部边界的骚乱变得越来越难处理了? THE SITE has an air of abando…